
A Leading Institution for Knowledge Sharing and Technology Exchange in Asia


Apply for "Go Talent" 2021 International Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

관리자 2021.07.16 11:32

Get your business resources support and funding by participating in the “Go Talent” 2021 International Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition:

1st RMB 100,000
2nd RMB 50,000
3rd RMB 20,000
✨Up to RMB 8 million of financial support
✨Up to RMB 100 million of investment guidance fund
✨ "Talent Loan" exclusive loan for winners
✨Comprehensive TusStar Incubation service

Apply for the competition, if you are innovations under:
• Next-generation information technology
• High-end equipment
• High-end chemical industry
• Biomedicine
• Modern agriculture
• Modern service industry

Apply before 25 July 2021, 530pm at:

For more information, please contact:

Ms. Yafei XUE of TusStar (