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40+ foreign companies join IT Park Uzbekistan in 2024

관리자 2024.03.22 16:59:43

40+ foreign companies join IT Park Uzbekistan in 2024

In January, 75 companies joined the ranks of IT Park residents, with an even more accelerated growth rate witnessed in February, welcoming 134 new companies. This surge propelled the total number of resident companies to 1,828 by the end of February 2024, IT Park Uzbekistan reported on March 13.

Educational companies spearheaded the list of new residents, numbering 49, underscoring the heightened demand for IT training and skill development. Following closely behind were software development companies (29) and service companies (28), indicating a rising interest in high-quality IT services in Uzbekistan. The stability in the proportion of business process outsourcing (BPO) companies among new residents further solidifies IT Park's appeal as a hub for diverse IT activities.

Photo: In January, 75 companies joined the ranks of IT Park residents

Source: IT Park

Among the new residents, a notable trend emerged with 49 companies being export-oriented, while 24 boasted foreign capital participation. This diversity is reflected in the geogr

aphic distribution of foreign companies, including representatives from Russia, the United States, South Korea, Germany, the United Kingdom, India, Cyprus, Egypt, Pakistan, and Tajikistan.

Of significance is the addition of SILKROAD SOFTWARE, a company with American capital, specializing in software development and technical support. Another highlight is Voltiva, a nominee for the mGovAward, further elevating IT Park's status as a center for innovation and recognition.

Additionally, the approval of new types of activities at the end of December 2023 has spurred the registration of companies offering a range of services. Notable among them are Plug and Play, providing acceleration program services, and the venture fund AloqaVentures. Furthermore, the inclusion of DIP Animation Studio, known for its creation of the popular cartoon "Pomidor Do'ppi," adds diversity to IT Park's resident portfolio.

The benefits of resident status at IT Park are substantial, offering exemptions from various corporate taxes. Residents enjoy exemption from corporate tax, social tax, and reduced personal income tax rates, providing a favorable environment for business growth and investment. Moreover, residents are not subject to VAT on imported services, further incentivizing companies to establish a presence within IT Park.